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6 benefits of hiring a private chef in Barcelona

Discover the 6 most important benefits you will get when hiring a Private chef  in Barcelona.

The pandemic changed the way we lead our lives. Although we enjoy certain freedoms, it is imperative to continue with the measures that hinder the spread of the virus.

But, on the other hand, Barcelona is a living city that enjoys great pleasures, including a varied gastronomy, enriched by multiple cultures and that is increasingly open to providing new experiences to the palate.

Its restaurants are magnificent, but for the most part they are closed places that increase the risk of contagion from a hidden enemy that you want to avoid at all costs.

Of course, it is not a question of just their security measures, but sometimes they are not enough in poorly ventilated spaces and crowded by people whose health history we do not know.

You don’t have to miss out on enjoying different dishes while you continue with your regulatory measures at home. All you have to do is hire a private chef in Barcelona, ​​so that you can live unique experiences without having to move.

There are several benefits that you will get by choosing this option to enjoy different evenings with the least risk. These are some of them:

1.- You will enjoy an exclusive menu

When you hire a chef at home, you have the possibility to choose and structure your own menu. The kitchen professional will consult you in advance which are those foods that you do not like or that cause adverse reactions in your body.

Therefore, you will have the certainty that you will enjoy each dish to the fullest and you can even explore new flavors with the help of a professional.

2.- You will have a different experience

Think about it, not everything is pink in a restaurant. Sometimes, to get out of the routine, you visit one of them, but you cannot expect all the attention to be focused on you because there are other clients who need to be taken care of.

You also won’t control who sits at the next table or goes to the bathroom. And in most cases, you will not observe in what conditions that magnificent dish that you have in mind and are looking forward to tasting is prepared.

With a chef at home, you will know from the beginning who will prepare your food, you will know in advance the approximate time it will take to prepare your dishes and it is you who defines what your evening will be like.

3.- You minimize the risk of contagion

By holding a private event, you decide who will be the people who will accompany you. You will know in advance his general health, as well as that of the chef, so you will reduce the chances of contagion considerably.

Of course, always under biosecurity measures, in which case the word “extreme” is our best ally.

4.- You will learn to prepare your favorite dishes

This is another great benefit. Consult your trusted chef about the possibility of serving as a kitchen assistant or just observing directly how each dish is prepared, so that you have the opportunity to reproduce those flavors whenever you want.

5.- A fair price-value ratio

Believe it or not, it is not so expensive to hire a chef at home. The truth is that it depends on many factors, but in general it is a very accessible service for the pockets of locals and foreigners willing to taste rich flavors.

6.- You will enjoy all the comfort

Leaving home with children or older adults is often complex. You must have countless implements to meet any need they have at the moment.

Sometimes you need to hire someone to take care of them or mobilize to leave them in good hands, while you enjoy a different moment.

With a chef at home, you will have the best of both worlds by living a unique experience in the comfort of your home or office, without having to move anywhere and without disturbing the rest of the family.

So whether you live in Barcelona and want to celebrate a special occasion at home, also if you come to visit the city for work reasons or to do some tourism, you have the option of having a Private chef.

If you liked this article, share it right now. And if you want to hire a private chef in Barcelona , contact me right now and let me know how you want that evening or event you are planning.

We provide a professional private chef service and have almost two decades of experience in restaurant, hotel and catering services. We have been rated by our guest by 5 star and continuing the goal of being one of the best private chef services in Barcelona. For more information have look on where you can submit a short form or chat to our chef and owner that will cook for you or just give us a call on +34 648 432 082.