Food Blog


Sulphite Free Wine – The healthier, tastier alternative to regular wine

Sulphite free wine is a great alternative to regular wine for people with sulphite sensitivity.

Why the additives are added

Wines, distilled wines and port are sometimes preserved with sulphur dioxide in order to kill any yeast cells that could result in spoilage after fermentation is complete. These types of wines may also contain higher amounts of sulfites than other products because they’re likely left exposed to air longer during production. If a wine is labelled as organic, it cannot contain added sulfites because organic wines cannot contain any added substances whatsoever —not even preservatives like sulphites.

What is it?

Sulphites are added to wine to preserve it. In most wines, sulphites help prevent spoilage by inhibiting bacterial growth. When you have a bad reaction to wine (whether you’re allergic or not), that’s generally because of some type of reaction with sulphites in your body. For example, a rare form of red wine allergy can cause severe symptoms like throat tightness or hives within minutes of drinking it. You’ll want to avoid wine altogether if you’re allergic and know for sure that you are—but if it just tastes gross to you or makes your stomach queasy, there are still plenty of wine options out there for you!

What are the benefits of sulphite free wine?

If you’re planning a little bit of wine indulgence, or just looking for an occasional glass of red in order to unwind at night, why not opt for something less harmful? Sulphite-free wines are free from additives and preservatives.

What happens if you are sensitive to sulphites?

Most people are unaware of sulphites and how they may react when ingested. Sulphite sensitivity can cause allergic reactions, bad hangovers and a variety of other unpleasant symptoms. Those who regularly drink or eat foods containing high levels of sulphites run a higher risk of experiencing side effects from ingesting them than those who do not.


There are numerous health benefits to sulphite free wine. I suggest trying sulphite free wine today and see for yourself how much better it sits with you than traditional wine. If you do not like how sulphite free wine tastes don’t worry because as I mentioned before these wines taste often just as great as their regular counterparts. Don’t take my word for it though try a sulphite free wine out for yourself and let me know if you agree with me that they are simply amazing. You can get these from a wine merchant directory website.