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Uncommon Wine Etiquettes | 6 Tips to Serve Liqueur

Image Credits: Pixabay

“Wine is the only artwork you can drink” – Luis Fernando Olaverri

The famous vintnerhas said it right. Drinking wine is a magical feeling; it’s an experience that can be made perfect only if you know certain wine etiquettes.

Yes! Even drinking has some basic rules to follow that every liqueur-lover must know. And, you never know, you might eradicate all of your trepidations that won’t let you visit a new winery or restaurant.

Now, you must be thinking, who should know these wine etiquettes? Business owners? Entrepreneurs? Servers? No! Even a common person like you should know them.

In fact, whoever wants to have an enjoyable and pleasurable drinking experience must know the basic rules to drink and serve wine.

What Are Wine Etiquettes?

Wine etiquettes include all the things that make your drinking classy, pleasing, and fancy. It might be related to pouring, serving, holding a glass, sipping, or simply opening the wine bottle.

In simple words, it is everything that you can’t do while drinking at a royal wedding. (Yes, it is that serious!)

You may ask, are they even that important? Yes, they are! They can save you from an embarrassing situation at a:

  • Business Meeting
  • Dinner Date
  • Formal Events
  • Classy Winery or Restaurant

It is not you every day sipping in the frat parties. But, how you will sip on the wine glass full in front of your date. So, here are some do’s and don’ts of drinking and wine etiquettes to help you out in such situations:

Do’s & Don’ts of Wine Etiquettes:

Just like there is a rulebook for almost everything, wine

Smelling, sniffing cork, or putting your thumb on the opening – these are only some of the few things you should ignore at some places.

Of course, these do’s and don’ts apply to all situations, like with your friends or siblings. But, surely it is still better to know a few things that can save you from becoming a ‘wine meme.’


  1. Keep your home winery full; buy the best brandy archives online and store various liqueurs to serve multiple guests
  2. Save your winefrom heat (place them in a cool place)
  3. If you are not sure which bottle to choose; opt for a lighter wine
  4. Use clear glasses for clear wine
  5. Decant your wine (to enhance flavors)
  6. Know the right serving temperature of your wine


  1. Never hold the wine glass from the bowl (heat from the hand may fluctuate the temperature)
  2. Don’t be greedy; over-filling the glass is not an option
  3. Hard swirlingis not a good idea (you may spill it; do it slowly)
  4. Making weird faces while sipping is rude and inappropriate
  5. Don’t serve chilled white wine or warm red wine (moderate temperature)
  6. Avoid opening the bottle by aiming at the center of the table

Other wine etiquettes may relate to eating at a restaurant, being a guest, and attending a business event or party:

Restaurant Wine Etiquettes

Image Credits: Freepik

There are some basic restaurant wine etiquettes you should know. Like, what to order and which food to prepare it with.

Firstly, don’t always pick the second cheapest wine from the menu. Yes! You don’t need to feel embarrassed even if you don’t know half of them.

Instead of making a fool of yourself, simply ask the server what he suggests.

Pro-Tip: Don’t forget to tell him your budget and the taste you are looking for.

Secondly, certain foods go best with white wine while others enhance the flavor of red wine. For instance, know what to pair with your wine.

If you are ordering white wine, pick barbecue chicken, pork cutlet, or lean fish.However, if you prefer red wine, choose beef, mutton, or other red meat.

Guest Wine Etiquettes

You are invited as a guest to your friend’s house or even to your boss’s house, and you are thinking of bringing wine with you. What to choose then?

Always pick a lighter wine that has a great taste but also doesn’t break your bank. You don’t have to go all out with your choice as they might not be into hard liqueur.

And, the most important thing, don’t expect them to open your bottle right then and there. Your host might already have a bottle for the gathering to pair with the food.

Business Wine Etiquettes

Formal gatherings like business parties or dinners are arranged for a reason. They provide a chance to be close to your superiors or important clients.

So, if you are asked to choose a liqueur for the whole table, always ask the wine expert (server) what should you order?

Other basic etiquettes include lightly smelling the wine aroma before sipping and twirling the glass lightly by holding the stem.

What if you are asked to toast with a client? Or your boss asks you to pour him a glass? So, how do you serve the liqueur? Let’s find out in our next section:

6 Best Tips to Serve Liqueur

Serve Liqueur

Image Credits: Unsplash

The right way of serving a liqueur can make the drinking even better:

  1. Be a Ninja: open the bottle as quietly as possible; don’t let it go ‘pop’
  2. Sick to the Base: while pouring, hold the bottle from the lower bottom
  3. Know the Glasses: Some wines are served in specific glassware
  4. Don’t Overdo it: Fill the glass a little less than half
  5. Make it Balance: Try to flow the same amount in each glass
  6. Avoid Sticking Your Hand: while pouring, do not put your thumb or any finger on the rim

Final Verdict

Drinking wine is undoubtedly a feeling to enjoy its taste and aroma.

However, experiencing its pleasurable vibe in your home is different from what you get at a restaurant or business event.

That’s why we have explained all the basic serving-drinking wine etiquette, manners, and do’s and don’ts one must know to live the moment fully.

Follow these tips to have a unique drinking vibe!