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How to evolve your supply chain post Covid?

5 New Retail Supply Chain Trends Caused by COVID-19 Disruption | Supply and  Demand Chain Executive

In the post-Covid world, supply chain management plays an integral role in management of restaurants. As per the survey conducted by KPMG, more than 82 percent of respondents intend to buy from retailers/brands which have demonstrably taken measures to improve their product and supply chain hygiene in the context of COVID-19. In this scenario, the best way to handle restaurant inventory management is with the help of a restaurant management software

How restaurant management software helps you manage inventory?

Live tracking of inventory – Now you can track the stock levels at your restaurant, 24/7 from any location. India’s leading digital restaurant management platforms such as inresto SCM help you determine the exact quantity of raw materials at the various outlets of your restaurant.

Streamline vendor management – Procurement of raw materials at cheap prices is the need of the hour. With the help of the software, compare the prices offered by various vendors for the different raw materials. Choose the right vendor based on the quality of materials and prices.

Effective cost savings – The platform makes use of the concept of central kitchen quite effectively. Raise purchase orders to different vendors from the central kitchen. When you are managing a chain of restaurants, it leads to drastic reduction in costs.

No more running out of stock – Get alerts on the minimum threshold quantities pertaining to the various outlets. It help you place fresh orders of stock at the right time. Hence, you don’t have to deal with the embarrassment of running short of stock. 

Real-time inventory update – Whenever you place the order for stock, the inventory level gets updated automatically. Timely notifications on the stock levels keep you well informed on the status. 

Cut down wastage – Making optimum use of kitchen resources is now a reality. Since procurement is done from the central kitchen, there is absolutely no question of wastage of raw materials. It also helps cut down overall grocery cost and requirement.

No more employee theft – Inventory theft by employees is a nagging problem faced by restaurants. The supplies and raw materials are quite secure with the software. It leaves absolutely no scope for employee theft.

Parting Words

In the post pandemic world, restaurants are resorting to drastic cost-cutting measures. With the help of a smart inventory management software, you can achieve major cost reduction and boost profits at your restaurant.